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Show new changes starting from 02:20, 21 January 2025
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15 January 2025

14 January 2025

     12:46  Future challenges to search engines diffhist +2,667 Mr. MacKenty talk contribs
     12:43  Surface web and deep web‎‎ 3 changes history +1,605 [Mr. MacKenty‎ (3×)]
12:43 (cur | prev) −2 Mr. MacKenty talk contribs (→‎Examples of Deep Web Content)
12:43 (cur | prev) +1 Mr. MacKenty talk contribs (→‎Examples of Deep Web Content)
12:42 (cur | prev) +1,606 Mr. MacKenty talk contribs
N    12:40  URL Assignment Policy‎‎ 7 changes history +3,049 [Mr. MacKenty‎ (7×)]
12:40 (cur | prev) −20 Mr. MacKenty talk contribs (→‎Implementation Guidelines)
12:39 (cur | prev) −12 Mr. MacKenty talk contribs (→‎Dynamic Load Balancing)
12:39 (cur | prev) +12 Mr. MacKenty talk contribs (→‎Partitioning by URL Hash)
12:38 (cur | prev) −12 Mr. MacKenty talk contribs (→‎Dynamic Load Balancing)
12:38 (cur | prev) −36 Mr. MacKenty talk contribs (→‎Partitioning by URL Hash)
12:37 (cur | prev) −16 Mr. MacKenty talk contribs (→‎Objectives)
12:37 (cur | prev) +3,133 Mr. MacKenty talk contribs (Created page with "== URL Assignment Policy == A robust policy for assigning discovered URLs is essential to ensure balanced workload distribution and to prevent URL duplication during the processing of web data. Effective URL assignment strategies optimize resource utilization and improve the efficiency of web crawlers, distributed systems, and other data-processing applications. === Objectives === The key objectives of a URL assignment policy include: * **Balanced Workload Distributi...")
     12:36  Parallel web crawling‎‎ 2 changes history +2,332 [Mr. MacKenty‎ (2×)]
12:36 (cur | prev) +4 Mr. MacKenty talk contribs
12:20 (cur | prev) +2,328 Mr. MacKenty talk contribs