Designing Solutions Through Programming - block 8 - September 26 2018 Lesson Notes

From Computer Science Wiki

Class plan.png What are we going to learn today?[edit]

  1. hello class :-)
  1. We will review input types.
    1. Please review this link:
    2. Please also review this link:
  2. in-class activity. QUIZ YOUR FRIEND! Ask them to explain an input type. See if they know attributes. Ask them if they can code this specific input type.
  1. We will spend some time learning about command line.
  2. This can be psychologically tricky
    1. Please reference this pdf:
    2. You only need to focus on the following areas:
      1. Bash commands
      2. Directory options
      3. LS options

Target.png How am I being assessed today?[edit]

I will assess you formatively today, and make a professional judgement to what extent you understand our learning material. I will use observation, your written work, answers to questions, and contribution to class discussions as data to make my decisions.

I will also ask you to complete a self-assessment which I will use to help me guage how well you think you understand our material in class.

Computer1.png As a computer scientist, you have:[edit]

  • Confidence in dealing with complexity
  • Persistence in working with difficult problems
  • Tolerance for ambiguity
  • The ability to deal with open-ended problems
  • The ability to communicate and work with others to achieve a common goal or solution

Credit.png Credits[edit]