Near field communication (NFC)

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Case study notes[1]


Near Field Communication (NFC) is a form of communication between two electronic devices. Usually at least one is portable, such as a smartphone. The two devices must be within 4cm of each other. NFC offers convenient data transfer at the price of low speed communication.

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How does it work or a deeper look[edit]

  • If you are discussing a THING YOU CAN TOUCH, you must explain how it works, and the parts it is made of. Google around for an "exploded technical diagram" of your thing, maybe like this example of an MRI It is likely you will reference outside links. Please attribute your work.
  • If you are discussing a PROCESS OR ABSTRACT CONCEPT (like fuzzy logic) you must deeply explain how it works.


NFC is used everywhere. Some examples include contactless payment, electronic tickets, advertising, and social networking. NFC use in advertising is a new interactive way of advertising, where an NFC tag is placed in a reachable area on the advertisement. This allows the viewer to get redirected to the website of the advertisement or product. In social networking NFC is used to quickly share contact information. This can be found on all modern Samsung devices as S-Beam.

An example picture from the Hong Kong Metro displaying an interactive NFC ad for the Sony Xperia phones.

Pictures, diagrams[edit]

An example of a NFC chip
  1. upload a file
  2. use the file on a wiki page

External links[edit]

  • It would be helpful
  • to include many links
  • to other internet resources
  • to help fellow students
  • Please make sure the content is good
  • and don't link to a google search results, please
