Permissions for fair use
This page lists the permissions I have received to use other's work. I also attribute work I've used here as well.
- This the license for all those icons I use
- This is permission to use some great material on Operating Systems
- Here is permission to use part of the CS50 academic honesty material
- We use an in-class discussion rubric which I used with permission
- Permission to use an ethical reflection sheet
- I am in love with Sublime 3 as a text editor. This is permission to use Sublime in trial mode with my students
- This is permission to use the table of contents for Clean code as a foundation for standards in a web application course I am teaching
- This is the license for for using CS50's stuff
- This is permission to use the modified MYP design cycle
- Permission to use persistent memory PDF
- Permission to use Linux Performance tools grid (material has since been released under creative commons)
- This is permission to use the user documentation stuff
- This is permission to use the images explaining HTOP
- I use the bootstrap template with my students. This is MIT license
- Permissions to use ERD definitions and content
- Permission to use Gamer Profile from Nick Yee
- Permission to use URI content from IBM
- Permission to use HTTP content from LSI
- Stack exchange terms of service, section 3 describes rights to use content