Distributed systems

From Computer Science Wiki

From John Rayworth's excellent site (here):

Centrally controlled system - A hardware and/or software IT system in which all parts of it are controlled by a central controller/server/mainframe[2].

(Purely) Distributed system - A hardware and/or software IT system in which various parts of the control and/or processing are controlled by individual controllers/servers/computers throughout the system[3].

an important distinction[edit]

Please remember, for the rest of your life, the image below, and the distinction between centralized, decentralized, and distributed networks. Although we are learning about control, this idea is used in many different areas of computer science. Image used from https://openclipart.org/detail/277506/Centralized-Decentralized-and-Distributed-Networks who has released this under the | Creative Commons Zero 1.0 License



  • Compare a centrally controlled system with a distributed system
