Problem set assessment
Problem sets are designed to challenge you to apply your knowledge of computer science. Problem sets can be completed in many different programming languages. All problem sets are counted as summative grades. This page describes how problem sets are graded.
4 axes in a good answer[edit]
Each axis is graded independently.
- To what extent does your code implement the features required by our specification?
- To what extent is there evidence of effort?
example of poor scope example of better scope
- To what extent did your code meet specifications?
- To what extent did your code meet unit tests?
example of poor correctness example of better correctness
- To what extent is this code efficient?
- To what extent is your code eliminating repetition?
- To what extent is your code using functions appropriately?
- Hint: code that is short is often a proxy for good design (but not always)
example of poor design example of better design
- To what extent is your code formatted?
- To what extent are your variables well named?
- To what extent do you adhere to style guide?
example of poor style example of better style