Linux is a Unix-like and mostly POSIX-compliant computer operating system (OS) assembled under the model of free and open-source software development and distribution.[1]
The purpose of this page is provide practical resources to student to understand and use Linux. Please read our page about the command line interface
Tools you can use to manage different parts of the Linux operating system:
The OS manages | Linux tools you can use to understand what is going on |
Memory | top, htop, free, vmstat |
Processes | top |
Files | File system, df, du, mount, lsof |
Security | fstab, last, who, /var/log/auth.log |
CPU Scheduling | perf |
Devices, Device I/O | iotop, iostat |
Interrupts | perf |
Networks | netstat, top, tcpdump, iptraf, iftop, nmon |