Assessment for IB Computer Science SL
The assessment component is broken into two parts: external and internal assessment. The external assessment is 70 % of your grade, and the Internal assessment is 30% of your grade.
External assessment (2 hours 30 minutes)
Paper 1
(1 hour 30 minutes) is an examination paper consisting of two compulsory sections:
- Section A (30 minutes approximately) consists of several compulsory short answer questions. The maximum mark for this section is 25.
- Section B (60 minutes approximately) consists of three compulsory structured questions. The maximum mark for this section is 45.
You can a maximum of 70 marks for paper 1, and it is weighted for 45% of your final grade.
Paper 2
(1 hour)
Paper 2 is an examination paper linked to the option studied, which is web science.
- The paper consists of between two and five compulsory questions. (45 marks)
You can a maximum of 45 marks for paper 2, and it is weighted for 25% of your final grade.
Calculators: The use of calculators is not permitted in any computer science examination.