Archived 2018 - 2019 IB Computer Science HL year 1

From Computer Science Wiki
Revision as of 20:13, 14 August 2017 by Mr. MacKenty (talk | contribs)

When this two-year course is over, you will have a full, general introduction to the most excellent field of computer science. You will know how to think about problems, you will know how to program a computer to follow instructions that helps to solve a problem.

Please. Don't think like a student. Think like a computer scientist.

Calendar.png Our class meetings[edit]

Date of lesson Big idea Our class notes
August 22 2017 Hello, World! Click here for notes and homework
Click for calendars Warning.png Help! My code isn't working!

Circle.png Helpful resources[edit]

Seo.png Documentation[edit]

About.png About this course[edit]

Classroom Rules[edit]


Grading and Assessment[edit]

Academic Honesty[edit]

Credit.png Credits[edit]

  • Icons used with tremendous gratitude by Freepik from flaticon
  • IB Diploma Program Computer science guide (first examinations 2014). Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom: International Baccalaureate Organization. January 2012.

The Diploma Program computer science course is engaging, accessible, inspiring and rigorous. Click the expand link to see more →

IB Computer Science has the following characteristics:

  • draws on a wide spectrum of knowledge
  • enables and empowers innovation, exploration and the acquisition of further knowledge
  • interacts with and influences cultures, society and how individuals and societies behave
  • raises ethical issues
  • is underpinned by computational thinking. Computational thinking involves the ability to:
  • think procedurally, logically, concurrently, abstractly, recursively and think ahead
  • utilize an experimental and inquiry-based approach to problem-solving
  • develop algorithms and express them clearly
  • appreciate how theoretical and practical limitations affect the extent to which problems can be solved computationally.

During the course the student will develop computational solutions. This will involve the ability to:

  • identify a problem or unanswered question
  • design, prototype and test a proposed solution
  • liaise with clients to evaluate the success of the proposed solution and make recommendations for future developments.