Bounding boxes

From Computer Science Wiki
Revision as of 13:56, 30 January 2018 by Mr. MacKenty (talk | contribs)

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Case study notes[1]


Bounding boxes are imaginary boxes that are around objects that are being checked for collision, like pedestrians on or close to the road, other vehicles and signs. There is a 2D coordinate system and a 3D coordinate system that are both being used. The first picture in the "Pictures" section is an example of a 3D coordinate system.

How does it work or a deeper look[edit]


Bounding boxes are used by cars to not collide with other objects, here is a example about a car driving around with first a 2D coordinate system then a 3D coordinate system:

Bounding boxes are also used within many video games. In many shooters, they are known as "hit boxes" which is where the player can shoot the enemy to damage them. In the Third picture below, you see the hit boxes of the player in the popular shooter: "CS:GO."

Pictures, diagrams[edit]

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External links[edit]
