Computer science and ASW school values

From Computer Science Wiki


In 2017 The American School of Warsaw adopted values to guide our learning.

Classes.png Values

Value How is this value expressed in Computer Science?
Make the whole world your classroom Look for problems to solve outside of our school. Think big here. Also, know communities outside of school are here to help you and support your learning of computer science.
Step forward and make things happen. Don't wait. Especially in Computer Science, you cannot be passive and "just be filled up with computer science" You must active and engaged in your learning.
Work Together. Because without us all, we're nothing. Computer Science is a collaborative discipline. Everyone needs to help everyone else.
Bounce back when things don't go your way YOU WILL STRUGGLE AND FAIL you must learn to fight through your struggle and persevere!
Put the same into life as you put into school I have very high standards for you. I expect you will work very hard AS A STUDENT,but I also hope you will find things you genuinely love.