Evaluating process

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Evaluating process[1]

You must evaluate if the sequence of activities (or instructions) will result in the required outcomes. This evaluation can be logical, arithmetic, or both.

A common scenario is evaluating the order of conditionals. You must become very good at tracing conditional expressions.

You should remember your order of operations:

In mathematics and computer programming, the order of operations (or operator precedence) is a collection of rules that reflect conventions about which procedures to perform first in order to evaluate a given mathematical expression.[2] The mathematical order of operation is: PEMDAS (

How to evaluate a process[edit]

Use a step-by-step process and trace the value of a variable or value. Ask yourself, at each step in the process, what is the current value or state of a variable. Let's look at some examples.


Imagine you are writing a simple computer program which must output who is the winner of a game. The input is two scores. The output must be only one of the scores below:

  1. The first score is the winner
  2. The second score is the winner
  3. There is a tie
def whoIsTheWinner(score1, score2):
    if(score1 > score2):
        winner = "The first score is the winner"
    elif(score2 > score1):
        winner = "The second score is the winner"
        winner = "There is a tie"

Do you understand this?[edit]


  • Evaluate whether the order in which activities are undertaken will result in the required outcome.
