Getting requirements from stakeholders

From Computer Science Wiki
System Fundamentals[1]

Understanding what your users want is very important. Your goal is to build software which meets the needs of users. There are different, complementary ways of gathering information from stakeholders. Different ways of collecting information can include surveys, interviews, and direct observations. There are other methods of gathering information but this is what you should minimally understand. You should understand each method for gathering requirements provides a different view (or lens, if you will) of client requirements. It is critical you understand the requirements prior to building a system.


Method Definition Advantages Disadvantages
Surveys (questionnaires) Surveys can be used to gather input from a large number of stakeholders quickly and efficiently.
  1. Are efficient: Surveys can be distributed to a large number of stakeholders quickly and easily, and the responses can be collected and analyzed automatically.
  2. Are cost-effective: Surveys are a relatively inexpensive method for gathering information compared to other methods such as interviews or focus groups.
  3. Allow anonymity: Surveys allow stakeholders to provide input anonymously, which can encourage honesty and openness.
  4. Can be completed at the respondent's convenience: Surveys do not require stakeholders to take time out of their busy schedules to meet with a facilitator, which can increase response rates.
  1. May not provide sufficient detail: Surveys typically ask questions that can be answered briefly, which may not provide enough detail to fully understand the stakeholder's needs and requirements.
  2. Can be prone to bias: The way a question is phrased or the options provided in a survey can influence the response, leading to biased results.
  3. May have low response rates: Depending on the audience, surveys may have a low response rate, which can make it difficult to accurately represent the needs of all stakeholders.
  4. May not be suitable for all stakeholders: Some stakeholders may not be comfortable or able to complete a survey, in which case alternative methods may be necessary to gather their input.
Interviews This involves one-on-one or small group meetings with stakeholders to gather information about their needs and expectations. You can gather in-depth information and explore topics which are tangentially related to the system. There is flexibility in information You are usually limited to few people, not many people. If an interview isn't structured, you may get fragmented information. It can be harder to quantify requirements from an interview.
Direct observations Observing stakeholders as they perform their daily tasks can provide valuable insights into their needs and requirements. The main advantage of observational research is flexibility. The researchers can change their approach as needed. Also it measures behavior directly, not reports of behavior or intentions. The problem with this approach is subjects may modify their behaviour when they know they are being watched. They portray their “ideal self” rather than their true self in what is called the Hawthorne Effect.[2]

Real-world practical advice[edit]

Make sure you are talking to the right people about system requirements. Many software projects have been doomed to fail because they were built on faulty requirements or poorly understood requirements.


These standards are used from the IB Computer Science Subject Guide[3]

  • Describe methods of obtaining requirements from stakeholders.


  3. IB Diploma Programme Computer science guide (first examinations 2014). Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom: International Baccalaureate Organization. January 2012.