Guess a number

From Computer Science Wiki
This a problem set for you to work through [1]

This is a problem set. Some of these are easy, others are far more difficult. The purpose of these problems sets are to HELP YOU THINK THROUGH problems. The solution is at the bottom of this page, but please don't look at it until you have tried (and failed) at least three or four times.

What is this problem set trying to do[edit]

You have to think about conditions and computational thinking here. You are also going to be incrementing variables.

The Problem[edit]

Please write a simple game that randomly selects a number between 0 and 100. A player must guess the number. Your program should tell the player if their guess is higher or lower than the secret number.

  1. Your program must generate a random number between 0 and 100 and assign that random number to a variable.
  2. Your program must ask the player to guess a number
  3. Your program must compare the players guess and the secret number. The program should tell the player if their guess is higher or lower than the secret number
  4. Your program must tell the player if they have won
  5. Your program must ask the player if they want to play again

Some Code to Get You Started[edit]

This code will not run. If you see ... I have left our code.

import random
secret_number = ...
guess = 0
game = 1
    print("This is guess: " + str(guess))
    print("This is game:" + str(game))
    player_guess = input("Please make a guess: ")
    guess = guess +1
        play_again = raw_input("Do you want to play again? ")
        if play_again == "y" or play_again == "Y" or play_again == "yes":
            guess = 0
            game = game + 1

Take This Further[edit]

  1. add in a condition that players only have a certain number of turns to win
  2. add in a difficulty level; easy, medium and expert. If a player has easy, they have 8 tries, medium, they have only 4 tries, and expert, only 2 tries!!

How you will be assessed[edit]

Every problem set is a formative assignment. Please click here to see how you will be graded


A few different possible solutions[edit]

Click the expand link to see one possible solution, but NOT before you have tried and failed!


def mean(list):
    answer = sum(list)   
    mean = answer / len(list)
    return mean

def mode(list):
    frequency = {}
    highest = max(list)
    lowest = min(list)
    # in this loop, we simply update our dictionary named "frequency with the count of values.
    for i in range(lowest,highest+1):
    values = frequency.values()
    keys = frequency.keys()
    mode = keys[values.index(max(values))]
    return mode

def median(list):
    new_list = sorted(list)
    if len(new_list) % 2 == 1:
        median = new_list[len(list)/2]
    return median
print("the mean of list is: " + str(mean(list)))
print("the median of list is: " + str(median(list)))
print("the mode of list is: " + str(mode(list)))

The example below includes standard deviation and a bar graph.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
list =[2,3,3,2,3,2,3,9,7,3,4,8,1,2,8,7,6,5,8,9,1,2,3,2,1,4,3,2,1,4,5,4,1,6,9,6,1,4,2,3,5,5]
numbers = [1,2,3,4]
def graph(graph_list):
    count = [1]
    sorted_list = sorted(graph_list)
    highest = max(sorted_list)
    lowest = min(sorted_list)
    for i in range(lowest,highest+1):
    plt.hist(sorted_list, bins=count)
def mean(mean_list):
    mean = sum(numbers)/len(numbers)  
    return mean
def mode(mode_list):
    frequency = []
    count = []
    sorted_list = sorted(mode_list)
    highest = max(sorted_list)
    lowest = min(sorted_list)
    for i in range(lowest,highest+1):
    highest_frequency = max(frequency)
    index_count = frequency.index(highest_frequency)
    mode = count[index_count]
    return mode
def median(median_list):
   sorted_list = sorted(median_list)
   if len(sorted_list)%2 ==1:
    index = len(sorted_list)/2
    median = sorted_list[index]
       index_1 = len(sorted_list)/2
       index_2 = len(sorted_list)/2 - 1
       median = []
       median = mean(median)
       print("The median is rounded up")          
   return median
def standev(stdev_list):
    mean_list = []
    mean_num = mean(stdev_list)
    for i in range (0,len(stdev_list)):
    mean_difference = mean(mean_list)
    stdev = mean_difference**1/2
    return stdev
# your program must return the correct answers for the questions below:
print("the mean of list is: " + str(mean(numbers)))
print("the median of list is: " + str(median(numbers)))
print("the mode of list is: " + str(mode(numbers)))
print("the standard deviation of list is: " + str(standev(numbers)))

The code below approaches mode differently than the two examples above (which use a dictionary).

def mean(list):
    mean = sum(list)/len(list)  
    return mean
def median(list):
    new_list = sorted(list)
    median = new_list[len(new_list)/2]
    return median
def mode(list):
    current_top = 0
    highest = max(list)
    lowest = min(list)
    for i in range(lowest,highest+1):
        new_possible_top = list.count(i)
        if new_possible_top > current_top:
            current_top = new_possible_top
            mode = i
    return mode
# your program must return the correct answers for the questions below:
print("the mean of list is: " + str(mean(list)))
print("the median of list is: " + str(median(list)))
print("the mode of list is: " + str(mode(list)))