Problem Sets

From Computer Science Wiki
Revision as of 07:39, 14 March 2018 by Mr. MacKenty (talk | contribs)
Problem sets are designed to really get you thinking!!

Problem sets are designed to challenge you to apply your knowledge of computer science. Problem sets can be completed in many different programming languages. All problem sets are calculated as summative grades. Click here to understand how problem sets are assessed

Problem Set Difficulty Level Notes
Example Problem Set Average None
Bracket validator Average None
Select a random student Average None
Create an email address from a name Average None
Why do you play games Difficult None
No more than 3 exams Very Difficult None
Secret Santa Average None
my priorities, my time Average None
chess Expert None
Strings: making HTML tags Average None
simple password rules Average None
date fashion Average None
mean, median, mode and other statistical functions Expert There are three parts to this problem set. 2 are beginner, but 1 is very challenging :-)
Email validator Beginner None
making a small grid Average None
moving around a small grid Average This is the foundation for many possible games you can make in Python!!
Guess a number Average There are easy ways to extend this fun little guessing game
Difficulty Level Key: 
* Beginner: this problem set is good for beginners
* Advanced: this problem set should be challenging 
* Expert: This problem set is very challenging for most students (but it can be solved).

All problem sets have opportunity to exceed standards.