
From Computer Science Wiki
Revision as of 12:45, 1 March 2023 by Mr. MacKenty (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Transpiling (short for "transformation" and "compiling") is the process of converting source code from one programming language to another while maintaining the same functionality. It is a common practice in software development when a developer wants to use modern language features or libraries that are not supported in the target environment. The transpiling process typically involves taking the source code written in the original language and running it through a tra...")
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Transpiling (short for "transformation" and "compiling") is the process of converting source code from one programming language to another while maintaining the same functionality. It is a common practice in software development when a developer wants to use modern language features or libraries that are not supported in the target environment.

The transpiling process typically involves taking the source code written in the original language and running it through a transpiler, which will convert the code into an equivalent representation in the target language. For example, a developer might write code using modern features of JavaScript (such as arrow functions or template literals), and then use a transpiler like Babel to convert that code into a version of JavaScript that is compatible with older web browsers.

Transpiling can also be used to convert code from one language to another for other reasons, such as to take advantage of specific features or libraries that are only available in the target language. For example, a developer might transpile code written in CoffeeScript (a language that compiles to JavaScript) into JavaScript to take advantage of a specific JavaScript library.

Transpiling is a useful tool for developers who want to take advantage of modern language features or libraries while still maintaining compatibility with older or more limited environments.