
From Computer Science Wiki


In 2017 The American School of Warsaw adopted values to guide our learning.

Classes.png Values

Value How is this value expressed in Computer Science?
Make the whole world your classroom ?
Step forward and make things happen. Don't wait. ?
Work Together. Because without us all, we're nothing. ?
Bounce back when things don't go your way ?
Put the same into life as you put into school ?

Calendar.png Calendars

Target.png Big ideas in Computer Science

These are the most important concepts and practices in computer science. They are not in any particular order.

Program.png Languages

A programming language is a formal language that specifies a set of instructions that can be used to produce various kinds of output. [1].

Our primary languages are Python and PHP. As we learn about Web Science, PHP is a logical choice. As we learn about Modeling and Simulation, Python is a good match.

Compiled Languages

Interpreted Languages

Database management languages

Markup Language

Computer.png Resources

Credit.png Credits