
From Computer Science Wiki

Introduction to programming[edit]

Programming is the writing and executing instructions for a computer system.

Primitive data types[edit]

In computer science and computer programming, a data type or simply type is a classification of data which tells the compiler or interpreter how the programmer intends to use the data. Most programming languages support various types of data, for example: real, integer or Boolean.[2]

The list below describes some of the more common primitive data types

Common data structures[edit]

A data structure is just some organization of data that we've built into an orderly arrangement. The organization and arrangement of data can make our programs run much more efficiently. Each data structure has advantages and disadvantages. There are common data structures and abstract data structures. In general abstract data structures are advanced and more specific to a specific task.

Common data structures which are assessed by the IB[edit]

Common data structures which are not assessed by the IB[edit]

Abstract data structures which are assessed by the IB[edit]

Basic program organization[edit]

Advanced Programming[edit]
