From Computer Science Wiki
Thursday May 9 2019
Learning Targets[edit]
HL students[edit]
- I can identify the limitations of a range of resources in a specified computer system.
- I can describe the possible problems resulting from the limitations in the resources in a computer system.
- I can describe virtual memory
Plan for our day[edit]
HL students[edit]
- Please break into groups and answer our question of the day
- Please tell me if the following games will work on your school laptop:
- Please skim the resources limitations and be prepared to discuss
- Please tell me what would happen if I tried to run one of the games on my school laptop
- Big discussion about virtual memory
SL students[edit]
- Please carefully follow these instructions and email me a link to your section A. Please look at the exemplar, which is very good.
- If you are done, please ask a fellow student to look at your work, and assign a grade using the rubric on the above document.
Question of the day[edit]
What actually happens when your computer runs out of memory?
Thing of the day[edit]
Links for todays class[edit]