IB Computer Science Year 1 - December 3 2018 Lesson Notes
What are we going to learn today?[edit]Welcome to IB Computer Science! You have an exam next week. These are the topics you will be required to understand and know. You must review this list and ask any questions on our class discussion board.
SL students
What is our home learning?[edit]Please refer to google classroom.
How am I being assessed today?[edit]I will assess you formatively today, and make a professional judgement to what extent you understand our learning material. I will use observation, your written work, answers to questions, and contribution to class discussions as data to make my decisions. I will also ask you to complete a self-assessment which I will use to help me guage how well you think you understand our material in class. |
As a computer scientist, you have:[edit]
Credits[edit] |