Internal Assessment checklist

From Computer Science Wiki
Internal Assessment[1]


This component is internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB at the end of the course. You will be marked on each of the following criteria:

  1. Planning
  2. Solution overview
  3. Development
  4. Functionality and extensibility of product
  5. Evaluation

Almost all the content on this page is directly used from the IB computer science guide [2].



A slightly less good example| A slightly better example

  • I have clearly identified a client
  • I have described an appropriate scenario for investigation for an identified client
  • I have provided evidence of consultation
  • I have justified the rationale for choosing the proposed product
  • I have included a range of appropriate criteria for evaluating the success of the product

Solution Overview[edit]

  • I have provided a record of tasks and a design overview that includes an outline test plan
  • I have used the record of tasks form (which can be found in the documents folder of this compressed folder)
  • I have ensured the record of tasks and design overview refers to the product proposed in criterion A
  • I have a detailed and complete record of tasks
  • I have a detailed and complete outline test plan
  • I have a detailed and complete design overview
  • I have ensured the documentation makes clear how the product was developed


  • I have identified techniques used in developing the product
  • I have explained the techniques, with screenshots, that were used to develop the product identified in criterion A, explaining why they have been used and why they are adequate for the task
  • I have used techniques which demonstrate a high level of complexity and ingenuity in addressing the scenario identified in criterion A (planning)
  • I have made appropriate use of existing tools
  • The techniques I used are adequate for the task and their use is explained
  • I have identified all sources

Functionality and extensibility of product[edit]

  • I have created a video which demonstrates the product functions well
  • I have demonstrated the product can be expanded and modified


  • I have evaluated the effectiveness of the product based on feedback from the client/adviser
  • I have included direct references to the success criteria identified in criterion A
  • I have recommended realistic proposals for the future improvement of the product


  2. IB Diploma Programme Computer science guide (first examinations 2014). Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom: International Baccalaureate Organization. January 2012.