Test-cases to evaluate simulations

From Computer Science Wiki
Modeling & Simulation[1]

Please reference the MYP Design Cycle


A model is correct if it is judged to be equivalent to some reference standard that is assumed to be an infallible source of truth (an oracle in the testing jargon). The standard often is a human expert who judges based on their knowledge. In particular, in object-oriented software projects, this oracle is often referred to as a domain expert.


A model is complete if no required elements are missing. It is judged by determining if the entities in the model describe the aspects of knowledge being modeled in sufficient detail for the goals of the current portion of the system being developed. This judgment is based on the model’s ability to represent the required situations and on the knowledge of experts. In an iterative process, completeness is considered to be relative to the level of maturity and scope of content expected in the current increment.


A model is consistent if there are no contradictions among the elements within the model. This may be judged by considering whether the relationships among the entities in the model allow a concept to be represented in more than one way. Other indications include whether it is possible to find contradictions, such as differing cardinalities, in the way the model represents a concept or scenario.

There are actually two levels of consistency we should consider. A diagram is internally consistent if there are no contradictions between the elements in the diagram. A model is internally consistent (same as a diagram being externally consistent) if there are no contradictions between the elements in the different diagrams that comprise the model.[2]


  • Design test-cases to evaluate a simulation program.
